Here's a quick overview of what your printer will be hoping to get from you. It will save you time - and money!
Our preferred format for receiving files is PDF. Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop are fine too, but the files must be packaged properly with the necessary fonts and images!If we must, we can convert Microsoft Office files to PDFs, however as Microsoft Word etc aren't set up for commercial printing sometimes this kind of conversion can produce unexpected results! We'll always send you a proof to double check that everything is as it should be.
Please remember to supply your files at the size you require them to be printed i.e A4, A5, A6! We are capable of resizing if necessary, but if the proportions aren't similar to your original file, this can produce more unexpected results like bigger margins and warped images.
Please allow 3mm of bleed on all sides of your page! This means that any elements you want to go right to the edge of the page must extend 3mm beyond it. You're ensuring a professional finish by allowing for the tolerances of cutting and trimming.
Heard of a 'quiet border'? Well it's the same idea as bleed but within the page. Try to allow 5mm between any text, images or logos and the edge unless you intend for them to go off the side.
Images are a tricky one! It's best to make sure they are all at least 300dpi at their final size. For example, if your print will be twice the size of the original file you'll want to ensure the resolution is at 600dpi! Also, avoid using images downloaded from the internet as they're just unsuitable for printing.
Remember that your files should also be set to the CMYK colour space. RGB and Pantone colours may not print as expected. It's also important to remember that an uncalibrated monitor or desktop printer are likely to produce slightly different results to a professional printing press!
Finally, just to make our lives a wee bit easier, where possible supply just one file i.e one PDF with your 10 A4 pages. We can accept files from you via email, via the artwork upload on our shop or on a USB if it's better for you to pop in in person.
Hope this helps!