Table talkers. Your new marketing tool.

Table talkers. Your new marketing tool.

A what?

‘Table talkers’ are essentially little gems of marketing that increase sales at the point of purchase. They are used widely throughout the retail world and hospitality.

Using table talkers in a bar, restaurant or hotel setting allows advertising at the eye level of the customer.

Now this isn’t something you want to cram your whole menu onto, this is where you nudge them in the direction of that extra side at a discount; you let them know that on Mondays and Tuesdays you offer cocktail deals, that if they call room service before this time they’ll get late check out for a cheaper price…you get the idea.

This can be an excellent tool to help staff with a reference point for upselling- chances are if you suggest an ice cream sundae to share after they’ve had a photo of one in their peripherals throughout their meal, they won’t be able to resist!

Table talkers are also a great way to reinforce your brand identity, there won't be one instagram photo taken in your venue that isn't marketing your business.

Where we come in.

Speak to us about your needs! What size are you thinking? How often would you update them?

We might even recommend our sister brand SuperTuff, who focus on longevity and durability. We aren’t advising investing in SuperTuff table talkers to advertise a special that will only be on for a week. However, your long running items or necessary snippets of information that need to be better advertised in your business would gain the perfect platform. This can be utilised to increase sales or even smooth out the customer experience.

We think that table talkers in our special SuperTuff material are ideal for the likes of marketing house spirits and wines or advertising your weekly steak night. No hassle, customisable design, easy assembly and wipe clean.

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