The power of branding.

The power of branding.

Having solid, unshakeable branding puts your business on the map. It differentiates you from competitors, it imprints you in the minds of your audience and it can establish you as a reliable, authentic company that can be trusted.

Image belongs to Wolff Olins

We understand that being memorable can mean so much more than sales though. Here’s a case study which we thought would be really useful to share. Created by Wolff Olins, this campaign reaches across print and digital seamlessly allowing it access to a huge audience.

As it’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the new branding and identity for Breast Cancer Now couldn’t have come at a better time. Born out of necessity as the charity merged with Breast Cancer Care, this new logo, colour scheme and everything that comes with it gives the organisation a totally new lease of life. A re-brand is an effective way to drive traffic to a greater audience, get their attention!

Here are some of the products this new visual identity is promoted across.

Image belongs to Wolff Olins

Keeping your branding consistent across all of your material is really important. Especially with an organisation such as Breast Cancer Now, people have put their trust in you- don't give them any reason to doubt.

Printed materials like brochures and leaflets are great, tangible guides to give your intended audience important snippets of information. We have another blog post on designing a brochure- head there for more info!

This kind of marketing is pretty much a Point of Sale system. It needs to be eye-catching to get the attention of new faces, and be bold with your branding to be familiar to those who have heard a bit about you beforehand.

Displays can be made of all sorts of materials; paper, card, plastic, vinyl...give us a call to see what your options are.

There are endless ways to share your brand with the world- be creative!

Consistency is key, you'll notice across all of the printed materials above, the 'O' in 'Breast cancer Now' is open. This is the symbol of the brand, open to interpretation but with connotations of 'embrace'. This symbol was played with across all marketing material to represent the different journeys of those affected by breast cancer. Detail and creativity like this makes a brand special.

If you need help with any of our branded products, get in touch- we can do them all!

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